
Proudly Made In Canada


"Dear Barbara,
I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate the Ice Halo and how happy I am that attractive, practical head protection is finally available to figure skaters. I am a licensed speech-language pathologist who has treated children and adults for communication disorders resulting from various types of head injury. I have seen firsthand how head injury, including concussion, can negatively affect not only communication skills but every part of a person's life. I am also an adult figure skater and I know how easy it is for a skater to hit his or her head on the ice during a fall. I feel much more confident on the ice with my Ice Halo in place. I have recommended this wonderful product to my coach and to other skaters as well.

~ Mary Anne Razim-FitzSimons

"Today was my first ice skating lesson. I did great and then during a practice afterwards, fell flat on the back of my head! I learned of your product from the owner of where I was just fitted for skates. I am THRILLED to learn about this product and even more thrilled to learn that the rink I use is listed as having your products! I will call them tomorrow to make sure they have the blonde mink in a small size.

Luckily there's no major head trauma today, but I am somewhat altered from the incident and will be resting. But thanks to your product, I can now get back on the ice and not have to worry about this ever happening again!”

~ Dr. Ave Guevara

"Curlers Corner Calgary is Proud to be promoting the *Ice Halo* Products. We will be supplying and promoting the products, for our Curling Customers. We feel it is the BEST product on the market and so glad we are a part of the Ice Halo Team. It is a pleasure working with you, as always."

~ Bernice Merrick and Glenda Graham
Curlers Corner

Hi Ice Halo Team! Today was my big Halo day. You see, I lost my balance, fell backwards and hit the back of my head on the ice. The Halo cushioned the impact and after a minute’s rest to stabilize, I was back to skating, appreciative knowing that the result of the fall could have been much worse. Thank you for creating the product!

~ Rebecca R.
South Florida

Head injury? Wear a helmet, or better yet an Ice Halo. Children (and I include teens in that) are often reluctant to look different than their peers, and yes, a standard skating helmet stands out on the ice if you're older than 6. Further, it is inappropriate for freestyle. But the Ice Halo is designed for skaters. (By the way, don't use a soccer helmet-- the padding is in the wrong part of the head-- it doesn't protect the back.)

~ Alexandra

"I am a Ice Halo advocate, I love my Ice Halo and wear it every time I skate. I recommend it to all my friends. Thanks so much for making this great product. My coach doesn't mind if I wear it during practices and the judges let me wear it in my competitions!"

~ Joan

"I used the Ice Halo during my practice skate again today. I used to take my helmet on and off all the time because it drove me crazy. But I wear the Ice Halo the whole time. Sometimes I get warm and take it off for a second to cool down. But I am SO glad I have it! Thank you again! I can't tell you how much I LOVE the Ice Halo! I will keep working on getting the word out.”

~ Rebecca R. SK

"The Ice Halo seems to be catching on in Ottawa. I have ordered 6 more for curling friends, today!”

~ Glenda

"I have ordered ice halos from you in the past. We love them and use them every time we roller skate and ice skate. We ordered ours right from the website!”

~ Carol K. PS

"Dear Ice Halo, I Just wanted to tell you how wonderful your product is. My 11 year old son Nicholas who is a figure skater wears his Ice Halo during all practice sessions and competitions. He says it is very comfortable and gives him a sense of security. Thank you!”

~ Kimberly Cushman

"Dear Ice Halo Team,
Your customer service is amazing! We emailed to see if you could rush an Ice Halo to us in time for our daughters birthday. You actually phoned us to let us know what the prices would be and it arrived in two days! Thank you! She really loves her new little Pink Rabbit Halo! All her friends parents wanted to know where we got it, so you're probably going to see a lot of orders coming out of New York now!

~ Rita J.

"The Ice Halo is everything that is advertised to be, and is being well received by those that have used it."

~ Gerry Wilkins,
Beaver Curling Club, Moncton